John Alphons Pandeni Constituency is located within the City of Windhoek boundaries. It is formed up of the following locations: Grys Block, Soweto, Maroella, Fredomland and a small part of Wanahenda. The Constituency is inhabited by a population size of Fifteen Thousand One Hundred and Twenty One (15 121) people according to the 2011 National Census results. In 2008, it was renamed after John Pandeni, a member of the South West Africa People's Organization and its militant wing, the People's Liberation Army of Namibia. Pandeni was the first regional councilor for the former Soweto constituency and the first governor of Khomas. This constituency is inside the city of Windhoek in the formerly all-Black suburb of Katutura. The constituency office is located at the corner of Abraham Mashengo street and Independence Avenue.The current Regional Councillor  for John Pandeni Constituency is Hon. Shaalukeni J. Moonde, since 2020, who also serves as the Chairperson of Khomas Regional Council. 

Councillor of John Pandeni Constituency


  Hon. Shaalukeni John Mwoonde

 Chairperson of the Management Committee

 Regional Councillor

 John Pandeni Constituency 

John Pandeni 

John Pandeni constituency in the Khomas Region (dark grey)