High Level Statement




The Mandate is critically important in the processes of developing the Strategic Plan and this was examined as to what the Khomas Regional Council was meant to do under the legislations which set it up. It specifies the functions and responsibilities towards the customers that the Khomas Regional Council has to serve.

This mandate is derived from the Namibian Constitution, Chapter 12, Article 103, Section 28; the Regional Councils Act (Act 22 of 1992) and others:

  • Governing, Planning, Coordinating and implementing socio-economic development activities;
  • Ensuring environmental protection and sustainable natural resource utilization;
  • Making recommendations to Minister of Finance in relation to preparation of estimates of expenditure; and
  • Advising and/or making suggestions on GRN legislation & policy.



To provide an effective and efficient service delivery, in order to improve living standards of our people, by accelerating regional socio-economic development through inter-sectoral collaboration and community participation.



It is fundamental for every staff member of the Khomas Regional Council to understand and internalize the Vision Statement, because this will serve as a powerful motivational tool. The below vision statement serves as the roadmap by providing focus and direction for the Khomas Regional Council.

  • A well developed, united and prosperous region.


Strategic Intent

  • A leading Region in development, knowledge, peace and poverty eradication


Core Values

These values are the core identities and belief of the KRC that influence the staff members’ attitudes, behavior and customer care. They are considered to be the timeless guiding principles, deeply held believes within the KRC and should be demonstrated through the day-to-day behavior of all our staff members. The below listed values make an open proclamation about how the KRC expects everyone to behave.

  • Accountability: Being responsible and answerable for every action we take. 
  • Transparency: Discharging our duties and responsibilities in open, fair and pro-active manner
  • Integrity: Discharging our mandate with honesty, dignity and honor, in an uncompromising manner.
  • Professionalism: Strict and nonpartisan adherence to our core values and responsibilities, embracing partnership with all stakeholders.
  • Responsiveness: Being proactive, efficient and effective in addressing the needs and expectations of our people in relation to our mandate.
  • Teamwork: Working together towards attaining our strategic objectives in a collective and collaborative manner.